How do I install products on Nightfox HQ?

To install a product on Nightfox HQ, first make sure that Nightfox HQ is running.

  • On a Mac, start by opening Nightfox HQ from the Applications folder. Once running, click on the HQ icon at the top of your screen, in the Menu Bar and click Launch.
  • On a PC, start by opening Nightfox HQ from the Start Menu. You can open HQ by opening the System Tray (an “up” arrow in the bottom left corner of your screen), right clicking the HQ icon, and selecting “Launch.”

Once open, navigate to the All tab to see which products are available to you. If you are licensed to install a product, it will appear with an “INSTALL” button on the right. Selecting INSTALL will open a dialog box offering you a selection of stand-alone and plugin versions of the product. Select the ones you want to install, and confirm “INSTALL” at the top of the dialog box. The install process will have started, and can take a while depending on the size of the product and the speed of your internet connection. Do not close Nightfox HQ while a product is being installed. Once your product is ready, the button will change to LAUNCH.

Depending on your download speed and the size of the product, it may take upwards of two hours to download and install a product. You can calculate the expected time for a download using this tool. If a product fails to download after the expected amount of time, try quitting Nightfox HQ and using a different internet connection.

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